Rental Assistance Programs - Overview

mother hugs two small children and on the right an elderly white woman headshot is in the garden

Get help with your rent

You could be eligible for rent assistance. Take a few minutes to see if you qualify.

Rental Assistance Programs

Rental Assistance Program (RAP)

The Rental Assistance Program provides eligible low-income working families with monthly assistance with their rent.

Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters (SAFER)

The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters provides eligible seniors with monthly assistance with their rent payments.

Existing RAP/SAFER client?

Clients must reapply annually. Before your subsidy ends, we will send you a reapplication form.

Existing Rent Supplement client?

Clients must submit an income and assets review annually. Prior to your annual review, we will send you a document package.

Canada-BC Housing Benefit (CBCHB)

The Housing Benefit assists vulnerable low-income households paying their rent in the private market.  

Program Upload Form (PUF)

Upload digital documents online to Applicant Services with the Program Upload Form.