Indigenous Housing Fund Program Overview

he Province of British Columbia created the Indigenous Housing Fund (IHF) in 2018. This fund develops affordable rental homes for Indigenous families, Elders, individuals, and persons with a disability.

The Province is proud to be working together with Indigenous non-profit housing providers, First Nations, and other Indigenous organizations to build homes for Indigenous people across B.C.

Since 2018, the Province has committed approximately $1.8 billion to build 3,500 homes on and off reserve over 10 years.  Approximately 1,500 of these homes are open or underway across the province.

What is happening?

In November 2023, the Province put out its second Request for Proposal (RFP) call for housing project proposals. The call closed in May 2024. Proposals submitted will now be evaluated and projects totaling approximately 1,200 units are expected to be announced by summer 2024.

Prospective partners include Indigenous non-profit housing providers, First Nations or Indigenous governments and non-profit housing providers or private housing developers who wish to partner with Indigenous housing providers, First Nations or Indigenous governments.

Note for Housing Providers: In addition to applying for funding under the Indigenous Housing Fund, Indigenous organizations and First Nations will be able to access provincial support under the Building BC: Community Housing Fund.

Indigenous Housing Fund projects

To view Indigenous Housing Fund projects across BC, go to Homes for BC.


Units developed under the Indigenous Housing Fund (IHF) are 100% Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI), however, fixed rents may be considered for projects On-Reserve. If fixed rents are implemented, they must ensure an equitable approach across projects, ensure efficient use of limited subsidy funds, and support long-term sustainability of the housing stock. These figures use 40% of HILs, as determined by BC Housing from time to time.

Optional 2023 IHF fixed Rents (On-Reserve)

Planning Area1 bdrm
or less
2 bdrm3 bdrm4+ bdrm
Lower Mainland Planning Area$770$895$980$1,060
Southern BC Planning Area$650$780$875$955
Vancouver Island Planning Area$620$745$835$910
Northern BC Planning Area$680$815$920$995