Landlord & Tenant Eligibility and Application

BC RAHA is a rebate program for people with permanent diminished physical abilities. Landlords who rent to low to moderate income households can submit a joint application with their tenants for rebates for modifications to the rental unit.

BC RAHA accepts applications first-come, first-served, prioritizing complete ones. Application intake is ongoing until funding runs out, it renews on April 1 of each year. Find answers to common questions about the BC RAHA Program.

Am I eligible for BC RAHA?

You may be able to get the BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations (BC RAHA) assistance if the following are met:

  • Ensure the rental suite to be adapted is a legal, self-contained unit with a full kitchen and bathroom inside the unit
  • Ensure the home for adaptations is an eligible residence
  • Ensure the rental suite is rented to tenants who live independently and do not need assisted living
  • Have the home adaptation request relate to the tenant’s disability or ability loss
    Some requests need to be supported with an assessment from an Occupational Therapist (OT), Physical Therapist (PT) or other medical professional (such as a doctor or nurse) who can assess (physically or virtually) the applicant’s needs in the home and make recommendations on what adaptations are required
  • Have a Tenancy Agreement in place
  • Have the rent below the Rent Affordability Limits (for BC RAHA)
  • The landlord will agree to not increase the rent due to the adaptations. Any annual rent increases will not exceed the maximum annual rent increase allowed under the Residential Tenancy Act
  • The tenant(s) requiring the adaptions must be one of the following:
    • Canadian citizen
    • Permanent resident of Canada
    • Refugee sponsored by the Government of Canada
    • Individual who has applied for refugee status and is not under private sponsorship (unless BC Housing accepts that the private sponsorship has broken down)
  • The tenant’s total household income before taxes does not exceed $134,140
  • The tenant’s household assets are less than $100,000
  • The home for adaptations is an eligible residence.

Landlords can receive funding for a maximum of five (5) units each fiscal year.

What application form do I use?

Complete and submit a Landlord & Tenant Application

Important: You must use the BC RAHA Application Form. Previous HAFI application forms will not be accepted.

 There are 3 parts to the BC RAHA application

  • Part I: Landlord and unit information. Must be completed by the landlord.
  • Part II: Give details about the adaptation request and how it will help the tenant live independently with their disability or loss of ability. The Landlord & Tenant may choose to complete this together as the Tenant will know which adaptations they require. The Landlord needs to agree to make the requested adaptations to the rental unit.
  • Part III: Tenant information. Must be completed by the tenant.
  1. Complete the Application Form

    Complete all sections of the application form, attach supporting documents, and submit application:

    • Online: using the BC Housing Program Upload Form
    • By mail: BC Rebate for Accessible Home Adaptations Program, BC Housing, 101-4555 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 4V8
    • In-person: 101- 4555 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 4V8. Storefront hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm PST (closed on holidays)

    Important: The BC RAHA Application Form is required. Previous HAFI application forms will not be accepted.

  2. Include Supporting Documents

    Both the landlord and tenant need to provide supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered for approval until all needed information is received. You have up to 90 days to provide missing application information.

Landlord Documents
  • Authorized Agent - If you are an authorized agent for the property owner, a letter or other documentation from the property owner confirming authorization for you to act on their behalf.
  • Proof of Tenancy - A copy of signed lease, tenancy agreement, or rent receipts showing current rent amount for each unit.
  • Confirmation of a legal, self-contained unit - if rental unit is a suite in a single-family home:
    • Municipal Property Tax Assessment showing the unit is registered with the municipality or
    • Municipal Utility Bill showing charges for two units at the same address
  • If adaptations include items not on the Maximum Rebate Schedule: Include at least one written itemized estimate for the work request. Getting more than one estimate is highly recommended. The BC RAHA Program has a lifetime funding maximum, please carefully consider when selecting adaptations.
    The estimate must include:
    • Date the estimate was obtained.
    • The name and contact information for the person completing the work. If you are performing the work, write “self.”
    • An itemized list of work to be completed.
    • The cost for materials and labour, including taxes. If you are completing the work yourself, do not include labour costs.


You are responsible for selecting your contractor and making sure the work is completed to your satisfaction. Tips for selecting a contractor

Adaptations completed before approval from BC Housing are not eligible except for emergency adaptations required before hospital release. Emergency adaptations must be installed within six (6) months prior to application. Documentation confirming hospital stay and assessment supporting the need for emergency adaptations is required.

Tenant Documents
  • Proof of status in Canada for all tenant(s) and household members
    • Born in Canada: Copy of Canadian birth certificate(s) or Canadian passports If not born in Canada, please provide copies of the following:
      • Record of Landing (IMM1000) or Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM5292)
      • Any immigration document showing the date landed and the immigration code
  • If you have been a Canadian Citizen for more than eight years: Canadian Citizenship Card
  • Proof of income - Most recent Notice of Assessment from Canada Revenue Agency for all tenant(s) and every member of the household aged 19 or older

Note: If you do not have your most recent Notice of Assessment, log into your Canada Revenue Agency account at and print your assessment or call CRA at 1-800-959-8281 to ask for an “Option C” printout.

  • Confirmation of the Disability Tax Credit (if applicable) - A copy of your Income Tax Return showing the claimed Disability Tax Credit on L31600, L31800, or L32600 or a letter from the Canada Revenue Agency confirming your eligibility to claim the Disability Tax Credit. If your total household income is above the program's income limit we can reduce your household income by the amount of the Disability Tax Credit
  • Proof of assets - Bank statements, investment statements or letters from your financial institution or other documents confirming the value of all assets for every member of your household aged 19 or older
  • Proof of address - Most recent utility bills, a driver’s license or other proof that the person(s) requiring adaptations lives at the address that you are applying to modify
  • Home Assessment - In Home or Virtual – (If applicable) an assessment from an Occupational Therapist (OT), or Physical Therapist (PT), or other medical professional. Review the Maximum Rebate Schedule to see which adaptations require an assessment. For information on assessments, review Tips for finding an OT or PT 
Written Estimates

Most adaptations do not require an estimate.  An estimate is required only for items that are not listed in the Maximum Rebate Schedule.

If the adaptation requires an estimate, please provide:

  • Provide an itemized estimate, listing the work. BC RAHA has a lifetime funding maximum, so it is important to carefully select adaptations.
    Estimates need:
    • Date the estimate is given.
    • Name and contact information for the person completing the work. If you are performing the work, write as “self.”
    • List the work to be completed.
    • Cost for materials and labour, include taxes. If you are completing the work, yourself, do not include labour costs.

After you apply

Applications are reviewed in the order they are received. 

Once reviewed, you will receive a letter advising if your application is approved, contains missing information or is not eligible.

If approved, you will have 180 days to complete the work. If work is not completed on time and we do not hear from you, your rebate may be cancelled, and funds may be given to another household.


Download the BC RAHA Homeowner application form.
Download the BC RAHA Landlord & Tenants application form.


Contact our office at 604-433-2218 or 1-800-257-7756.
Phone lines are open from Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm PST (Closed on Holidays).