Overview of our feedback process

If you are renting in the private market, please contact the Residential Tenancy Branch.

Your feedback is important to us

BC Housing’s Complaint Resolution team receives, reviews and responds to compliments, suggestions and complaints about BC Housing programs and services. 

We are committed to reviewing feedback in a consistent, fair and timely manner.

Our Complaint Resolution team strives to remain neutral. We deliver service in alignment with BC Housing’s Mission, Vision, Purpose & Values.


We are proud of our staff. Tell us how a BC Housing staff member helped you.

Send us a compliment.

Feedback on a BC Housing program or service

We want to hear from you. Tell us how we can do better. Share your suggestions if you're not happy with our service.


Before contacting us, please keep some limitations in mind. Complaint Resolution is not able to:

  • Review tenancy and property maintenance issues
  • Influence your housing application or make offers of housing
  • Review information requests or privacy concerns
  • Investigate violations by builders, homeowners and developers
  • Review strata, bylaw or criminal complaints
  • Change legislation

Submit your feedback 

First, contact a BC Housing staff member or manager 

Many BC Housing programs have their own feedback or appeal process.

If you skip this step, our Complaint Resolution team will re-direct you to a BC Housing staff member or manager.  

If you are not satisfied with their decision, get a formal review from our Complaint Resolution team. 

Formal review process

Complete our Feedback Form or contact us.

Our team will review your feedback. You will receive a response within 30 business days. 

Independent review  

If you are still not satisfied, contact the Office of the BC Ombudsperson for an independent review.  

The BC Ombudsperson is an independent voice that works to make sure public sector organizations are treating people fairly and following the rules. Learn more about the BC Ombudsperson office

Complaints about a non-profit or co-op

Non-profit and co-op housing providers are independent, democratic organizations.  

To make a complaint about a building managed by non-profit or co-op housing provider, please contact: 

Check your housing provider’s website for information about property management or the Board of Directors. 

Having trouble finding the Board of Directors for your building? For a fee, you can search BC Registry Services for your building’s Board of Directors list. 

Our Complaint Resolution team does not review tenancy or property maintenance complaints. 

Contact us

Complete our Feedback Form.  

Still have questions? Send us a message: 

  • Email: [email protected] 
  • Phone: 604-439-4123, option 3 
  • Fax: 604-439-4722, Attention Complaint Resolution 
  • Mail: Complaint Resolution, Suite 1705-4555 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 4V8 

Please use clear and respectful language.  

We expect everyone to act in a way that is not discriminating, threatening, abusive, racist or otherwise disrespectful. Discrimination or abusive language of any kind in any communication to our teams will not be tolerated. We will stop communications with anyone who engages in such behaviour. 


Information you provide to Complaint Resolution is collected under section 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions about your privacy, please contact BC Housing's Privacy Officer.

  • Call: 604-439-4123
  • Email: [email protected] 
  • Mail: BC Housing Privacy Officer, 101-4555 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 4V8

Feedback on accessibility

Complete our Feedback Form or visit our Accessibility page for more information