Broad Base Holdings Inc., Peter McDonald, and Julie McDonald

Enforcement Action
Compliance Order
Issue Date

Broad Base Holdings Inc., (“BBH”), Peter McDonald (“P. McDonald”), and Julie McDonald (“J. McDonald”)(together, “the McDonalds”), contrary to sections 14(1) and 22(1) of the Homeowner Protection Act (the “Act”), built or caused to have built a new home in Golden, BC (the “New Home”), sometime between the period of, or about, December 2020 and December 2021, without being a BC Housing (“BCH”) Licensed Residential Builder (“LRB”) and without the New Home being registered for coverage by home warranty insurance (“HWI”) provided by a warranty provider. On May 25, 2023, BCH issued Compliance Order 23-0009 to BBH and the McDonalds directing that BBH and the McDonalds immediately:    

  • become a BCH LRB pursuant to section 14(1) of the Act, and register the New Home for coverage by HWI provided by a warranty provider pursuant to section 22(1) of the Act; 
  • provide BCH Compliance Department with proof that the New Home is enrolled in a policy of HWI pursuant to section 22 of the Act; or
  • if P. McDonald or J. McDonald meets the eligibility requirements, either P. McDonald or J. McDonald may apply for, and be issued, an Owner Builder Authorization for the New Home on the property pursuant to section 20(1) of the Act and section 4.1(2) of the Homeowner Protection Act Regulation.    

BBH and the McDonalds were ordered to comply with Compliance Order 23-0009 by July 7, 2023.