Eelake Liau ("Liau") and 0720958 BC Ltd. ("0720958"), contrary to sections 14(1) and 22(1) of the Homeowner Protection Act (the "Act"), built a new home in Vancouver, B.C., (the "New Home") during the period of March 31, 2008, and April 23, 2009, without being a Homeowner Protection Office ("HPO") Licensed Residential Builder ("LRB") and without that New Home being covered with home warranty insurance. Liau and 0720958 were issued Compliance Order 08-0020 on June 25, 2008. On April 23, 2009, the HPO issued Amended Compliance Order 08-0020-1 to Liau and 0720958 providing May 26, 2009, as the new date by which compliance with Compliance Order 08-0020 was directed to be achieved. All other directions contained in Compliance Order 08-0020 remain unchanged. Complied.
Eelake Liau and 0720958 BC Ltd.
Enforcement Action
Compliance Order
Issue Date