The federal government and BC Housing combine to fund housing in British Columbia.
We work with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) to address housing needs across the province. In 2001, the federal and provincial governments signed the first of several funding agreements. Read more about the agreements and the history of the partnership.
Canada-B.C. 10-year bilateral housing agreement
In June 2018, the Governments of Canada and British Columbia Signed a 10-Year Housing Agreement.
Addendum to Schedule B of the CMHC-BC Bilateral Agreement (August 2019)
The 10-year agreement will invest more than $990 million to protect, renew and expand social and community housing, and will support the priorities in Homes for BC, the provincial government’s 30-point plan for housing affordability in British Columbia.
The new agreement marks the beginning of a partnership that will be supported by long-term and predictable funding starting April 1, 2019.
BC Housing Action Plan 2022-25 - This is a point in time Report required under the National Housing Strategy and it is currently being updated.
Canada-B.C. Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH Agreement)
Amendment No. 2 - Investment in Affordable Housing – June 2018
Waiver of paragraph 4.2 of the original agreement for Investment in Affordable Housing dated June 15, 2018.
Amendment letter to the original agreement for Investment in Affordable Housing – August 2016
In August 2016, the Government of Canada signed a unilateral amendment letter confirming exceptions to paragraph 4.2 of the original Agreement for Investment in Affordable Housing in relation to the Budget 2015 Prepayment Initiative and for all funding under the 2016 Social Infrastructure Fund Agreement.
Social Infrastructure Fund Agreement – June 2016
In June 2016, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. announced the 2016 Social Infrastructure Fund Agreement under the Agreement for Investment in Affordable Housing to improve the quality and increase the supply of affordable rental housing in the province.
Under this agreement, the Government of Canada will contribute an additional $150 million and the Province of B.C. will contribute $63 million over a two-year period (from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2018). The funding is committed as follows:
- The Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. are each contributing $63 million towards new construction or renovations to help more individuals and families in need access affordable housing.
- The Government of Canada is contributing an additional investment of:
- $25.2 million for the construction, repair and adaption of affordable housing for seniors
- $10.9 million for the construction and renovation of shelters and transition houses for victims of family violence
- $50.9 million for renovations to improve the condition of existing social housing and to improve efficiency and reduce energy and water use
Schedule E - Annual Public Reporting on Outcomes
Extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing Agreement – March 2014
In March 2014, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. announced an extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing Agreement , committing matching contributions of $150 million, for a total additional investment of more than $300 million over five years (from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2019) to help more individuals and families in need access affordable housing.
Joint annual funding is committed as follows:
- $30 million to support and enhance existing programs
- $30 million toward new construction or renovation
Agreement for Investment in Affordable Housing – July 2011
In July 2011, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. announced a $180-million Agreement for Investment in Affordable Housing to support a range of housing needs for low-income individuals, families and seniors. Each level of government provided matching contributions of $90 million over a three-year period (from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2014). Funding programs for the initial phase of the agreement as follows:
- Federal-Provincial Housing Initiative $155 million
- Home Adaptations for Independence $15 million
- Affordable Rental Housing Initiative (with Columbia Basin Trust) $5 million
- Aboriginal Housing Initiative (Phase II) $5 million
Both levels of government report annually to the public regarding the investments and progress toward achieving the intended outcomes of the Agreement.
Canada-B.C. Social Housing Agreement
On June 20, 2006, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. announced the Social Housing Agreement to transfer the administration of 51,600 social housing units to the province.
The transfer helps streamline and simplify administration, and allows the province to provide access to housing services through one-window delivery. The province can use savings generated through the efficient use of federal funds to maintain the existing stock and to reinvest in housing for low-income households.
In April 2007, a Letter of Agreement (Schedule E amendment) between Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and BC Housing was signed, amending the Social Housing Agreement. In January 2012, the parties signed a second letter of agreement (Schedule C amendment) adding the Rental Assistance Program to the agreement. In August 2016, the Government of Canada signed a unilateral third amendment letter confirming implementation of the limited blanket waiver for Clause 9(d) of the Social Housing Agreement.
On August 30, 2018, the Government of Canada signed a unilateral fourth amendment letter providing flexibilities to Indemnification clause 9(d) and to Share of Gains clause 8(e) of the Social Housing Agreement.
On June 17, 2019 the Government of Canada signed a unilateral fifth amendment letter waiving the clause 13 periodic evaluation requirement and corresponding Schedule I framework and standards of the Social Housing Agreement.
Canada-B.C. Affordable Housing Agreement
Extension of Affordable Housing Initiative and Economic Stimulus agreement – April 2009
In April 2009, the 2009 Extension of Affordable Housing Initiative and the Economic Stimulus under the Affordable Housing Initiative agreement was signed, with each level of government contributing funding for the Provincial Homelessness Initiative, Seniors Rental Housing Initiative and the Housing Renovation Partnership.
As part of the 2009 Extension of Affordable Housing Initiative, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. each contributed $31.66 million for a total investment of $63.32 million over a three-year period (from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2012). This funding was part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan.
As part of the Economic Stimulus Agreement, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. each contributed $150.6 million over a two-year period (from April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2011). This funding was part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan.
Supplementary Agreement to the Affordable Housing Program Agreement – December 2004
In December 2004, the Supplementary Agreement to the Affordable Housing Program Agreement was renewed with each level of government contributing about $42 million towards the Provincial Homelessness Initiative in B.C.
Affordable Housing Agreement – December 2001
In December 2001, the Government of Canada and the Province of B.C. announced the first bilateral agreement under the Canada-British Columbia Affordable Housing Agreement .
The Province of B.C. and Government of Canada each contributed $88.7 million over a four-year period from (April 1, 2002 to March 31, 2006). Funding under this agreement created about 3,900 units through the Provincial Housing Program, the Independent Living BC program and the Community Partnership Initiatives program.